
Rebecca {Maternity}

September 16, 2013

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You guys may get tired of me raving about military friendships, but well, in this case, I just don’t care. I mean that politely, of course. Rebecca is another one of my most treasured friends made from Preston being in the Marine Corps. Me, Rebecca, and her two boys, Oran and Trygg, were considerably attached at the hip during this last deployment. My family all lives at least a 45 minute drive away, I spent countless hours with her, creating yet another invaluable friendship for which I’ll be forever grateful.

Rebecca has a gentle heart, spunky persona, and, quite frankly, is the poster child for a strong and beautiful military spouse. Her husband Tommy, is a Major in the Marine Corps, and is extremely loved and respected in a very genuine way by his Marines–in fact, I’m pretty sure this is true actually of just about every person he encounters. When their house unexpectedly caught fire in February of last year, our men were already out of state prepping for deployment to Africa, which left Rebecca and her two young boys facing unsettling circumstances on more than one front. I watched Rebecca carry herself with beautiful strength for her two boys over those ensuing eight months as her house was being rebuilt, they were living away from the normalcy of their own home, and daddy was gone.

Tommy is one of seven children, six of whom are boys. So finding out that they are expecting a healthy baby girl this go-round was the sweetest bit of icing on the cake! I absolutely cannot wait to meet this baby girl.

Rebecca, your friendship, family, and the crazy memories we’ve made will always ring beautifully in my mind. You and Tommy are truly some of the most genuine, serving people I’ve had the pleasure of existing with in this crazy life. Now, as tradition goes, I’ll have a bottle of red wine ready to pop open for you as soon as this baby girl is born. (;

You are golden.

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I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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