
The Ledet Family

February 25, 2014

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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I have a handful of sweet families who have stuck with me since the beginning of their pregnancy journey. My sweet Elliana is now turning two, and I could not be more grateful that Daniel and Angela have chosen me to continuously photograph the milestones of her growth. You all probably have gathered, if you’re an avid reader of my blog, that I’m perhaps a little too sentimental, like ALL of the time. (Preston would not contest that notion. Oops!) Either way, I’ve found it incredibly special to me to watch these babies grow. To see their little personalities develop, their curls grow into long brown locks, what makes up their little giggles, and even their adorable little tempers. I only spend about an hour with them for a session, so yes, their tempers are rather adorable to me. I’m sure mom and dad would beg to differ…


The cream colored lace and linen dress that Angela found for Elli was perfection for what you’ve probably gathered is my style, generally for sessions.

Two years is almost always the “independent” stage for the littles, so playing into letting them think they are in control is always quite entertaining to me. I should also mention that Elli seems to find it hilarious when someone is choking, which was rather amusing. So, there was a bit of fake choking that seemed to happen to me that day.

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Elli was trying to get daddy to do what she wanted, too.

Gosh, I adore this family. Angela is a veterinarian, who has actually cared for our Chewie since he was a brand new pup. She has the biggest heart and smile. It’s so warm and bubbly just to be in her presence.IMG_1246 IMG_1167Ledet-5 IMG_1184

You know I love my momma-baby photographs…IMG_0915Ledet-3IMG_0930IMG_1212

Clearly Elli is both a momma AND daddy’s girl though. These are some of my most favorite daddy-daughter shots I’ve ever taken.IMG_1204 IMG_1216

We ended the session with the most adorably photographable tantrum on the planet…and you can bet I snapped some pictures of that hanging bottom lip and crocodile tears. These are the ones momma will show her when she’s a teenager. (:IMG_1197Ledet-4IMG_1292

 Oh sweet Elliana, don’t you ever grow up. I’m sure that’s exactly how mommy and daddy feel. But when you inevitably do, keep all of that sugar and spice, and most of all, that big heart of love and those goofy giggles you want to share with everyone at two years old.














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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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