
Allie + Dalton

August 6, 2014

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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We sang to the tops of our lungs in cars, talked for hours about things that spoke to our souls, cried over boys, then laughed until we cried some more. We spent hours finding that perfect away message for our AIM status, then called each other to discuss how those lyrics were so perfectly in tune with our feelings. We had a way of knowing without words if the other was having a bad day, and if it was indeed a bad day, there was likely a trip to Coldstone Creamery in the near future. You bet, we were nothing shy of super melodramatic teenage girls, but I’m pretty sure we had quite big hearts for life and even bigger smiles. And on the days we didn’t, well, we still had the option to stuff our faces with Birthday Cake Remix.

But she’s not a teenager anymore. She’s got the most talented brain and a giant heart that will leave you speechless. She gets her vivacious personality and laugh that will liven up a room from her daddy, and her benevolent heart from her momma. And last week, she married a man that I don’t think anyone on Earth could have hand-picked more perfectly for her. Allie and Dalton met during their undergrad studies at LSU and decided that there was no better place than the city of their alma mater to bond the two lives together.

Here’s a peek into how the events and details from the following fabulous vendors unfolded for their day…

Hotel: Renaissance Hotel

Church: St. Aloysius

Reception: Ashley Manor

Florist: Trinity Flowers

Hair: Gwen Guidry & Erica Robicheaux

Makeup: The Kiki Way

Videographer: Brock Gomez – BGP Productions

Photographer: Kali Norton

WeddingI had quite a few favorites from Allie’s day, but this shot of her below looking down was certainly among them.WeddingWedding

Dalton was looking handsome as ever as he anticipated the few moments he’d have early in the day to hear his bride’s voice.

The moment I love observing unfold, where excitement meets jitters and all becomes calm in the day…WeddingWeddingWeddingWeddingWedding

Allie and Dalton both have fun-loving, HUGE personalities, so it was not a bit of a surprise to me that they chose a large wedding party. Dapper men, dapper.WeddingWedding WeddingWedding

As I’ve mentioned before, while all of the photos my brides get from the ceremony are not exclusively in black and white, I truly feel that a certain emotion is conveyed when I choose to edit a photograph in this way. There’s just something about large, beautiful churches, the dark wood, and the sentiments flowing that brings out a particular personality in photographs during this part of the day. With that being said, because such particular emotion was captured from Allie and Dalton’s ceremony, I chose to exhibit strictly the black and whites for this post. I hope after scrolling you can understand the sentiment.Wedding Wedding WeddingWedding WeddingWeddingWedding Wedding WeddingWedding Wedding
We had just enough time as we arrived at Ashley Manor to slip in a few more portraits at dusk, and I’m so glad we did. This one below is my all time favorite of the two of them together.Wedding
WeddingWeddingWeddingI told you she was crazy talented. How many brides do you know that get up with the band and blow in a little brass on their wedding day? Wedding Wedding

 Allie and Dalton, I cannot express enough how flattered I am to have been able to watch every moment of your day unfold, and document it for your family heirloom. I know with every fiber of my being that you two will live life as it should be lived, enjoying the food, people, and experiences that come your way. Always.SIGNATURE

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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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