
Sketchler Family | Louisiana Family Photographer

February 26, 2015

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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Treasured occurrences to tragic ones, it’s sometimes so easy to forget that life can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye. On the way to her sister’s rehearsal dinner last April, Erin, Owen, and their precious Ollie were hit head-on on the interstate by an 18-wheeler. The next day, as I photographed her sister Lauren’s wedding, there was so much fear and disillusionment in everyone’s eyes. Sifting through emotions of fear and shock that day, going through months of physical rehab afterwards, it’s a beautiful life that the three of them are now healthy, happy, and thriving.  So, to say that I had the opportunity to photograph their beautiful, healing family recently is an enormous understatement. To see the smiles and to witness a beautiful, growing baby boy just fills my heart to the brim.
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Ollie has mad style for a one-year-old–all credit to his super talented parents. Speaking of talent, Erin has quite the nifty little Etsy Shop. You can check it out, here.2015-02-26_00072015-02-26_00062015-02-26_0002

Those eyes. Ollie, you are going to melt some hearts.2015-02-26_0008 2015-02-26_0009

Erin and Owen, thank you so much for entrusting me with documenting your beautiful family.








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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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