As I was sitting here this morning, looking over sweet Adeline’s photos and trying to find the appropriate words to depict the sentiments her precious, pure new life made me feel, John Mayer’s song “Daughters” just kept playing through my mind. I do this often when it comes to my newborn clients, I suppose it’s because I have so much passion for photographing women at all stages of life–seniors, love, pregnancy…
As I was staring at Adeline, I thought of her first steps all the way to her first date, and how much love and affection she’ll receive from her sweet parents, Lauren and DJ along the way. Sweet girl, you have so many beautiful life moments ahead of you, and in all of your seven days old of splendor, you have no clue about this crazy, beautiful life ahead of you. But for now, sleep in your momma’s arms, give her all of the unconditional love your toddler years will bring, and just be the sweet little slice of newborn life you are.
Lauren’s persona is so gentle, such a natural mother. I could have photographed her and Adeline all day long.
Lauren and DJ, thank you, sincerely, for allowing me to document such a beautiful new beginning in your life.
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