
2015 Favorites | A Year in Review

January 19, 2016

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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Unveiled radiance, feminine beauty, motherhood, milestones…
As I sit and gather my favorite images from this past year, my heart is abundantly full as I realize the intricate stories each photo tells. Sometimes in our ever-growing social media driven world, I think we truly sometimes lose touch with the authenticity of the raw, genuine struggles, stories, and adventures behind those we encounter, day in and day out.

Admittedly, as I begrudgingly sat down to blog this morning, I was less than enthused–with life, with my creative focus, with where business is headed. Anyone with a creative bone knows well that this is just the ebb and flow that comes with the job–and like anything in life, there are both highs and lows to speak of. However, as I was truly sulking and reflecting negatively on my progress and drive to be new and fresh this morning, I realized through the reflection of these images, that I’m right where I need to be. Connecting with real souls, learning their stories, and authentically documenting that as true and unique as any artist commissioned to create a piece for a buyer. I may not always make the money I hope to or get in every publication I desire, but I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to document some pretty genuine and stunning moments of life as they unfold in front of me.

It is ever-so-easy within the creative industry to feel lackluster–like your work will never stand out like those you follow and aspire to emulate. But H-E-L-L-O, that’s because as ARTISTS, gifted with a sense of creativity, it is our main job to NOT emulate those before us. This is important, so let me say it again: IT IS OUR MAIN JOB. WE ARE ARTISTS. If our talent were to simply emulate or recreate someone else’s vision, we could go work in a franchise.

So, I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why this soapbox? Did someone steal her ideas? Is she angry?” Not at all. This is simply a reminder to you as much as it is to myself, that art is inconsistent and messy and inherently beautiful–just like life. So embrace the messy as much as the victory as it all contributes to our own little unique vision and story.

And now, enjoy some of my most favorite stories that found themselves in front of my camera this past year…

Imagine Boutique
Courtney + TomCourtney + TomSpeed WeddingKaty Bordelon Maternity Waller FamilyKaylei Hackett Simmons FamilyAnika + StanleyKaylei HackettSBB Styled ShootRoberts Wedding

SBB Styled Shoot SBB Styled ShootRodriguez FamilySwain MaternityMartinez EngagementsWhitney + DJCorbeau Cothron2015-04-23_0016 2015-03-03_0011Martinez EngagementsKaylei Hackett2015-04-02_0012

Be authentic, my friends.
















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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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