“I think one of my favorite feelings is laughing with someone and halfway through realizing how much you enjoy them and their existence.”
When I met Elizabeth, instantly her personality shined so very brightly. Genuine, big laughs and enjoying every moment of this season of her life, Elizabeth left me in awe of her mature persona, ambitious outlook on her future, and lustrous nature. Oh sweet girl, I cannot wait to see where life takes you.
With the last days of school approaching for this year’s senior crew, I felt it only appropriate to share Elizabeth’s session today.
Seriously, can we talk about how stunning a lady is when she’s laughing? There’s not much better in this world than a happy woman.
I’m not very adventurous when it comes to color in my wardrobe, but I absolutely adored this hot pink combo on Elizabeth.
Suede and fringe though, you know that’s my jam…
Elizabeth, thank you so very much for entrusting me with documenting this season of life for you.
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