
Farmhouse-Inspired Shoot | Motherhood: Mandeville Family Photographer

June 16, 2016

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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“Hold the door, say please, say thank you. Don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t lie. I know you’ve got mountains to climb, but always stay humble and kind…”
While I’m not generally a huge fan of country music, Tim McGraw’s song “Humble and Kind” kept playing on repeat in my mind as I was editing this session. I thought of how much of an overwhelmingly beautiful feeling it must be as a parent to watch your children grow up and emanate the values you try, hope, and pray to instill in them.

Rebecca and her husband Tommy have been wonderful friends to me for several years now. They truly exemplify what it means to be humble, kind, and the most loving humans, undoubtedly setting the most wonderful example for their littles to replicate. Their boys, Oran and Trygg, have hearts of gold and will do anything an adult asks of them. Fiona, with two older brothers to teach her the ropes, is quite literally sugar AND spice.

With an immense love of animals, babies, and basically all things living, I knew I wanted this session to truly emanate the strength and beauty that is Rebecca. I wanted it to be so genuinely her–with her animals, her babies, and her plants–to truly capture the essence of her in this stage of motherhood.

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Chickens, ducks, 3 dogs, a cat, and a goat, Rebecca has the sweetest little farmhouse-esque back yard around. Yes, these are all their animals. I love it so much. Bam Bam, the goat, is especially a treat. He adores the kids and follows them around constantly.

Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding

Rebecca loves to tend to her plants as much as she does her animals and babies. When her garden is full, she and the kids will go out and pick all of the goodness…and of course, the eggs from the chicken coop.Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan WeddingAnika + Stan Wedding

Rebecca and Tommy are expecting sweet baby number four in November, so I wanted to capture it in a sweet way that she could announce her pregnancy.Anika + Stan WeddingAnika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding

Rebecca, your heart is gold and your spirit is radiant. I love watching your journey through motherhood.Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding

I mean, can we just talk about how precious Bam Bam is? He loves being around the kids so much.Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding

After I did the session, I got a text from Rebecca. She said, “Oran has requested a few photos in black and white, because it makes him look old.” I laughed so hard. That sweet baby has no clue that those killer crystal blue eyes he has are the most handsome thing. All he wanted was his black and white photo and to hug his chickens. (DISCLAIMER: I absolutely did put a photo in black and white just for him).
Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding Anika + Stan Wedding

Happy Thursday, friends!



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hey there!

I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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