
The Davis Family is Growing | Awaiting Baby: Alabama Maternity Photographer

June 9, 2016

Hello, I'm Kali
Emotive Imagery Crafted to Communicate:
Modern Portraiture for Business + Family
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Jessica and Noah are two extremely talented and intelligent friends I’ve had the pleasure of knowing through that little Marine thing Preston does. Within this unique and beautiful military family we’ve made over the years, we’ve all become quite close and fond of one another. We’ve watched life’s happenings unfold–from babies, to numerous deployments, to heartbreak–it’s a bond not only among the Marines, but truly among the families, wives, and various forms of friendship intertwined.
When I first really spent time with Jess it was on a camping trip with our beloved group of friends from 3rd Force Reconnaissance Co. I had packed for what seemed like two days and thought I was immensely organized and ready–that was until I met Jess and her pre-cooked, individually packaged gourmet meals she had meticulously prepared for that weekend. From a hearty stew made from scratch to 70% dark chocolate sea salt candy bars for the s’mores, Jess had thought of E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. The Martha Stewart in me instantly turned into major fan girl and I was completely and totally Team Jess. A radiant and humble personality, two careers of her own, and a beast with anything that involves the realm of crafts or cooking, I knew instantly that weekend that Noah had the most genuine kind of keeper on his hands.

Noah + Jess Maternity Noah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess Maternity

As you can imagine from her aforementioned credentials, she’s also a huge hit among Emma and Jackson, Noah’s littles. Maybe it’s her stellar cake making skills, the colorful bento box lunches she sends them to school with, or just simply the way she emits love–either way, I’m pretty sure no one’s complaining in the Davis clan.

Noah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess Maternity

Jessica and Noah decided to be surprised by the sex of the baby, so I can’t wait to see if the boys or girls of the family will become outnumbered soon. I think Emma and Jackson are pretty stoked either way.Noah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess Maternity Noah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess Maternity Noah + Jess Maternity Noah + Jess Maternity

I know this baby is coming into the most loving group of humans. Jess and Noah, I absolutely cannot wait to love on that sweet bebe’ soon. Noah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess Maternity Noah + Jess MaternityNoah + Jess Maternity






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I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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