“Good news! Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow you’ll count to ten before you lose your temper, and maybe they’ll eat every bite of the dinner you made and say something so hilarious you’ll think, Man people without kids are totally missing out! You will experience every kind of day as a mama, and you will need to accept the grab bag of good, bad, ugly, awesome, magical, and miserable days as a parent. You don’t have to get it right all the time. You don’t have to do things like anybody else’s mom.
You only have to care.”
Girl, Wash Your Face – Rachel Hollis
As I’ve taken on a new realm of photography with birth photojournalism, it’s been such an exhilarating journey. From the hours of connection, quiet, and vulnerable moments during laboring, to the sleepless and unsure first days of parenting, we have several weeks of fairly consistent communication and time spent together. By my clients keeping in such contact with me about their unique journey, feelings, and even struggles during this time, it allows me to truly enter into their lives, hospital rooms, and homes with my role as a quiet observer.
Before contacting me to document their birth, I knew Sarah and Justin only as acquaintances and sibling-in-laws to a close friend of mine. After the weeks leading up to Rodge’s birth, the moments scaling in emotion in the hospital room, and spending a few hours hanging with them when they were settled back home after his birth, I left feeling like I truly connected with them as a family, documenting this beautiful budding season of life with raw authenticity.
Here are those days…

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