I’m not quite sure if I’ve ever mentioned to you just how flipping much I love seniors. Oh wait, I think I have. The style, poise, grace, personality, make-up tips (the list goes on and on…) that they bring to the table amazes me more and more each year. Seriously, I tell my seniors we […]
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I cannot believe it’s already November and absolutely GORGEOUS weather for my Fall Seniors. Cameron Absolutely blew me away with her outfits and comfort behind the camera. She was making me do the nerdy squeaks I do when I get excited during a session the entire duration of hers. I hope you enjoy her session […]
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Katy, OH Katy. If only you knew how your quirky, yet shy aura lit a spark in me. This session truly embodies the “lifestyle” photography I strive for my clients to understand as my style when they book with me. Yes, there is a time and place for certain posing–and don’t get me wrong, I […]
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So, as you can see I’m truck truck truckin’ along catching up on all of my senior posts I’ve not had time to post the past month or so. Let me just say that I LUUUUURV photographing seniors – always so fun and creative!! Natalie was no different. She stole my heart at her perfecto […]
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Whew! So needless to say, given my extreme and embarrassing absence from you guys since November 15th…I’ve been over-my-head busy (of which I hopefully plan on another blog post this week explaining my absence). In the mean time, I thought I could at least share one of the MANY sessions I have to share that […]
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I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.
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