Photographing motherhood is such a rewarding experience, and one that seems to fulfill me like nothing else. While I truly love documenting all milestones of this crazy little life, there is something so particularly sacred about motherhood that fills my entire body with butterflies when the moments are captured through my lens. Our first, literally, vital lifeline, teacher, and biggest fan. Even without being a mother myself, simply observing motherhood in those around me is astonishingly breathtaking.
Shnaz and Heartlie share the sweetest bond, one I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to observe through my lens. With Mother’s Day having just passed, I felt this appropriate to share. (:
Heartlie brought some flowers she had picked at her field trip earlier that day and was sure to let me know she wanted them in photographs. Pretty, dainty things–right up my alley, Miss Heartlie.
Heartlie absolutely shares the same big, loving, and bright personality as her sweet momma. I adored watching the two of them interact together.
Shnaz, thank you for allowing me to document this season of life and love for your sweet girl.
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