
Patrick {Senior 2014}…and a Favorite Quote, as of Late.

March 18, 2014

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You know, I thought that I was more of a Winter-loving person, but it turns out, I think I’m just a lover of the seasons changing. As these little Winter storms are becoming more and more sparse, I’ve been so giddy at the thought of blooming flowers and days where I can wear shorts. It was even warm enough to lay out a few Saturdays ago. The change of seasons is refreshing–something to look forward to, if you will.

I came across this quote a few months ago, and oh, how it resonated with me on so many levels. In addition to being a lover of Camus’ work, this quote just spoke to my soul when my soul needed speaking to…

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lay an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus

One day, I’ll share more personally about how this quote has spoken to me. But for now, I hope that just its mere introduction into your life today might give you some hope if you’re needing it. Some strength to know that there’s an invincible summer coming from those battles life may be throwing at you. Because you see, you should never forget the beauty life begs to bring from breakdown. Ah, there is SO much beauty in breakdown, my friends.

In addition to loving this quote, the ever-fabulous Chelsea Petaja of Oh My Deer makes the most perfect soul-speaking art prints from quotes in classic literature, among other beautiful things. Here’s her fabulous art print (photo credit from her site) that I’ve been dreaming of for my living room wall since before Christmas…


You should most certainly go check her work out. I’m just dying for a few of her prints to construct the “Us” wall in my house–complete with vintage comics, nerdy posters, and artful quotations of literature. Oh, you just wait. (:

And because every post is better with some actual pictures, here’s one of my super awesome seniors, Patrick. He was SO much fun to work with and get to know and absolutely comfortable in front of the camera. We had such a fun little afternoon strolling the streets downtown. Patrick has great taste. In fact, his shoes had me itching to head to the store to get Preston some new kicks…

Patrick-1IMG_2000 Patrick-2

Patrick, thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph you. It was a pleasure getting to know you! I wish you the absolute best next year into your beginning adventures into adulthood.


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I’m Kali, Professional Photographer and Founder of The Creative Studio. 

I’m wildly passionate about storytelling through professional portraiture.
Here, our goal and mission is to create art that keenly personifies your story, builds brand recognition and trust, and instills a sense of timeless pride.

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